First Mobile Robot [mini-project]

In this post, I just quickly wanted to showcase my very first mobile robot. It was built for my informatics class in HTL, but I had so much fun developing it that I brought it home to continue playing with it. It uses five ultra sonic sensors to do really basic collision avoidance, controlled by an Arduino Uno.

I also designed a Bluetooth controller that sends commands to the Arduino. This enabled me to control it wirelessly, as shown in the video. Sadly, time took its toll on the little fellow. Now only the 3D-printed top part and the metal chassis are intact. Nonetheless, this robot was my first contact with mobile robotics and motivated me to pursue a career in this field and to start building more complex robotic systems like Roboost.

This one was a bit short, thanks for sticking around! ๐Ÿ™‚

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